The McLean Textile Gallery hosted our exhibit from September 13th through October 20th, 2022.
Once hung, Lauren Kingsland interviewed a few of us and made a promotional video for the gallery.

An Artists Reception on October 2nd gave us an opportunity to mix with and talk to visitors who came to take in the show. Visitors paused to read each quilt’s story and many shared their own ‘remembrances’ with us.

Suzanne Meader, Gayle Maisel, and Annabel Ebersole

At this venue, my five quilts hung separately with the other quilts, divided up by war. I was honored to also have my Because of the Brave quilt hang here with the Memorial Day Memories quilts.

We heard from the gallery owners that visitors often came and spend hours, stopping to read each quilt’s story, and remember. Notes left in our visitor’s book testified that folks genuinely found the exhibit very moving and appreciated the opportunity to remember their experiences and these fallen heroes with us.