Piece and comfort for the eyes, heart, and soul.

Artist Statement

Creative does not simply describe what I ‘make’, rather it is who I am. Over the years I’ve explored many different mediums, but the result is the same. When an idea is brought to completion, an “itch” within me is satisfied.

Why do I create? My Lord and Savior created first and placed this gift in me. To not create would deny a part of my life purpose and how I was uniquely made. It pleases me to use these gifts He has given me to honor Him.

People seek thrills in a variety of ways. Creating thrills me. (You can read more here to better understand what makes a person creative.)

“The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul… We each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before…” Dieter F. Uchtdorf

I’ve heard it said that ART allows for communication beyond spoken or written words. I love that through my quilted creations I’m able to communicate directly with each of you!

If you explore my gallery of work, you will see I’m a rather prolific quilt making fiber artist and I don’t limit myself to any one ‘style’. My pieces run the gamut from traditional to modern, functional to fashionable. Whether for a bed, lap, table, or wall, my quilts add accent to a home and are thoughtfully, skillfully created using only the highest quality materials to provide beauty, warmth, and comfort for the eye, heart, and soul.

I began quilting over 40 years ago, and have shared my passion for the art of quilting with others through classes wherever I’ve called home. Current class offerings can be found here.

Literally hundreds of patterns have been made by quilters for many generations. I love making these traditional patterns ‘new’, but I also like designing my own original pieces. When doing so, it falls within my artistic nature to create, not merely imitate. My inspiration often comes directly from the fabrics with which I work. I often make use of techniques that allow me to bring forth unique one-of-a-kind pieces. Each of my quilts tell a special story. I invite you to take a visual stroll through many of my creative endeavors here-to-date under my Creative Journal and hope you’ll enjoy reading the stories behind each one.

Should you see a quilted piece that “catches your fancy”, please contact me directly to inquire about its availability and pricing. Additionally, I do welcome commissioned special requests. Studio 2724 – Custom Quilts – FAQ

I sincerely appreciate interest expressed in my original pieces! While I don’t usually market or sell patterns of my original designs, occasionally you will find digital downloads of my original patterns available under Shop for Quilts and in my Etsy shop.
I also share my creative processes in classes given in my studio and elsewhere. I enjoy teaching at club meetings, guild workshops, and retreats.
Please respect that my original designs are my own intellectual property. I am delighted that they often provide others inspiration, but appreciate their not being copied.

Woodturner, Frank Sudol said it this way, “The message for my students is, you will never be remembered for what you copied, but you will be remembered for what you created. …Once you reach inside, you will have original work.”

For more insight into copyright issues, I invite you to read Steven Bradley’s article entitled, “The Line Between Inspired By And Copied From And How To Stay On Its Right Side“.